In 1995, the EMS Group increased its net sales by 7.8 % over the previous year to CHF 924 million (857), cash flow by 35 % to CHF 250 million (185) and net income after taxes by 41.8 % to CHF 204 million (144). This good result can be attributed in particular to the increase in finance income and, to a lesser extent, to a further slight rise in operating income.
Despite the fact that 1995 was the best year in the history of the EMS Group, it should be noted that specific difficulties had to be dealt with in the course of 1995. A general economic upturn made itself felt in the first half of the year, which was additionally marked by overheating tendencies and stockpiling activities triggered by an anticipated hike in the prices for chemical raw materials. This then led to a swift and significant increase in raw material prices. Income was reduced by the notable rise in the value of the Swiss franc.