EMS-GRILTECH produces special and tailor-made Griltex® copolyester hotmelt adhesives for the production of automotive air filters.
Griltex hotmelt adhesives are used for laminating textiles for office applications. Typical uses are:
Coating with Griltex® stabilises the fabric; resistance to slippage is improved and the amount of rejected material reduced. The bonding performance to different substrates such as wood, metal, glass, nonwovens and light-weight foams in combination with short cycle times, make Griltex® copolyamide and copolyester versatile adhesives for the household and office furniture industry.
Just over half a century ago the Swiss technology centre Winterthur developed a method of manufacturing shirt collars using an adhesive powder. This new technology of laminating textiles revolutionized the whole apparel industry by extensively reducing the very labour intensive sewing process. The technology was further refined and in 1965, EMS-CHEMIE, then called EMSER-WERKE, launched an adhesive based on copolyamide. Some of the products introduced over 40 years ago are still part of the Griltex® range of hot melt adhesives and the resistance to washing and chemical cleaning of copolyamides remains unsurpassed until today.
Griltex® hotmelt adhesives are used to fuse interlinings to various face fabrics to enhance garments guaranteeing dimensional stability, shape retention and durability. They provide fashion designers with freedom to realize new ideas in formal, functional and leisure wear. The presence of our adhesive is never noticed by the wearer of these garments. Without the unique properties of our adhesives many of the current styles of fashion, giving durable and comfortable clothing, would be impossible to make.
Interlining manufacturers are challenged by the ever changing fashions and the need to provide products that can be used with many different face fabrics as well as easy to use whilst retaining the handle. High production speed, low coating weight and consistent product quality are demanded for the production of coated interlinings. The expectations of the apparel industry of excellent wash and dry cleaning resistance are easily met with Griltex® hotmelt adhesives.