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Crosslinkers for Powder Coatings

Primid® products are crosslinkers of the chemical class of β-hydroxyalkyl- amide (HAA), which are used to cure powder coatings based on carboxylic polyester (PES) resins. The resulting coatings are – after cure – highly weather resistant and exhibit excellent color stability.

Further the high charge acceptance makes Primid® crosslinkers a preferred choice for tribo powder coatings.

Primid® crosslinkers are characterized by a favorable toxicological profile (no hazardous classification).


Industry standard for weatherresistant PES powder coatings
Proven durability in Florida
Hazard-free (no labeling) crosslinkerXXX
Improved color stability for high temperature exposure (overbaking) X 
Improved color stability in direct fired gas ovens X 
Improved flow characteristics resulting in high gloss surface  X
Thick coating layers  X

EMS offers additional additives for power coatings applications. Read more


Primid® - Crosslinkers for Liquid Coatings

Primid® crosslinkers of the chemical class of β-hydroxyalkylamide (HAA), can be used to cure liquid polyester or acrylic resins containing free carboxyl functions.

Primid® products are soluble in water and hence also suited for water-born coating systems. The favorable toxicological profile (no hazardous classification) remains unchanged if the crosslinker is dissolved in water.

Primid® cured coatings are of specific interest for hygiene and food contact applications.