Products & Applications
On July 10, 2020 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2020. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available, based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2020. The definitive half-year report does not deviate significant from the provisional report.
The EMS Group achieved consolidated net sales amounting to CHF 845 million (1,154).
National COVID-19 measures had an extremely strong impact on the global economy. Shops remained closed for several weeks and demand for industrial goods ground practically to a standstill. The global automotive industry was also strongly affected. In the meantime, with a few exceptions, the automotive plants have all restarted production.
Thanks to a strong position with specialty products and due to early measures, the EMS Group was able to achieve a net operating income (EBIT) of CHF 227 million (316) and an EBIT margin of 26.8% (27.4%) which is nearly that of the previous year. An operational cash flow (EBITDA) of CHF 254 million (345) was generated and the EBITDA margin rose slightly to 30.0% (29.9%).
Net financial income amounted to CHF -2 million (-1).
Net income for the first half of 2020 reached CHF 192 million (266).
Net liquidity increased by 24% to reach CHF 863 million (696). Equity increased to CHF 1,837 million (31.12.2019: CHF 1,663 million). Equity ratio was 79.1% (31.12.2019: 75.1%).